Laser road scanning
About Laser road scanning
Using a modern LIDAR system (a laser device that captures point clouds with a very high density points per second), which is paired with a spherical camera and an inertial device (connected to GNSS antennas and an RKT modem), the terrain is recorded from the vehicle.
In this way, a detailed 3D image of the road and its surroundings is generated, and a georeferenced point cloud of extremely high density is obtained, which gives a realistic representation of the terrain and above-ground objects, which enables various analyzes of the existing condition. Precise data, collected in this way, can be analyzed by software and widely applied in the design process, inspection and audit of traffic safety, but also in the process of creating a cadaster of the existing state of traffic signs, as well as for various other purposes.
During the analysis of available sight distances, with a lidar (laser) device, we record a georeferenced point cloud of very high density, after which, as one of the steps in the sight distance analysis along the road, we create an animation, which is a visual representation of how the driver sees an obstacle at each along the analyzed road. The obstacle is located at a prescribed distance and a given height, which is adopted on the basis of valid regulations, or specific requests of clients, and at the adopted speed on the observed road section. This is only one step in the process of creating diagrams of sight distance.
Since the sight distance cannot be calculated, but must be measured, we measure it by placing a virtual driver in a point cloud and creating its sight lines.
For the purposes of measuring/determining available sight distance, for both directions of driving, we create paths of movement of the driver’s eye, and a view into a virtual obstacle that is in the form of a rectangle with given dimensions.
As part of the graphic attachments, we present a diagram of sight distance that contains:
– diagrams of required sight distance for existing speed limits in both directions;
– diagrams of the required sight distance for the harmonized design speed;
– diagrams of sight distance for obstacle heights of 0.1m and 1.0m;
– overtaking sight distance values for three different cases of speed ratio V1-V2-V3;
– segments of the section in question where overtaking is allowed within the current state.
Along with video recording with the spherical camera, recording point clouds, creating a precise base, analysing and forming all the mentioned diagrams, with the preparation of conclusions, that entire process represents an invaluable tool for designers, when determining the zones where overtaking is allowed. In addition to the indisputable facilitation of the aforementioned task, the entire procedure enables a high-quality and adequate traffic solution.
If you need a sight distance analysis, we look forward to your call!