Traffic safety
About Traffic safety
In the process of inspection and audit of traffic safety, but also as a separate independent sight distance analysis service, Panpro Team engineers use their innovative methodology, along any road, for sight distance problem to be detected completely reliably and solved very efficiently.
Regardless of whether the point cloud, recorded by the Panpro team with its own Lidar system, is analysed, or the georeferenced point cloud, provided by third party, is analysed, the service we provide consists of the following:
– Identification of the alignment and profile of the road
– Drawing a diagram of operating speed, as the basis for further calculation and analysis of sight distance.
– Automatic determination of available sight distance (determination of obstacles in exact position and dimensions).
– Comparison of available sight distance against required and overtaking.
That way, for every road, not only in Serbia, but abroad, becomes possible to include proper measures in every road design, or as a result of independent sight distance analysis, as it is demand in relevant road and traffic regulations
Interested parties can find the methodological approach, the steps we go through in sight distance analysis, as well as the results of those analyzes on the example of the report, which can be downloaded from the following links:
Video Animations:
ACAD2010-Vilusi-Osjecenica_diagrams of speeds and sight distances (dwf)
ACAD2010-Vilusi-Osjecenica_diagrams of speeds and sight distances (pdf)
ACAD2010-Vilusi-Osjecenica_diagrams of speeds and sight distances (dwg)
E2 Vilusi-Osjecenica_Analysis of available sight distance_textual part (pdf)
We have presented our innovative ideas and tools at numerous congresses and conferences, and examples of those presentations can be found at the following address:
Analysis of available sight distances on existing roads (pdf)
Analysis of available sight distances on existing roads_V2 (pptx)
Video material from our presentation as well as a panel discussion organized on that topic, at the BSLZ congress in Banja Luka in 2022, in which leading experts, professors from various universities in Serbia and the Republic of Srpska participated, can be found at the following address:
All interested persons/institutions for cooperation can contact us via our contact page. We offer analysis services of available sight distance on existing roads in two options:
1. Creation of a diagram of the available sight distance by direction of travel based on the provided cloud of points and the path of the vehicle
2. Recording point clouds and a complete analysis of sight distance on existing roads with a proposal for short-term and long-term measures to eliminate deficiencies. The methodological approach and steps we go through in this option are described in the above-mentioned example of the study